Sunday, December 12, 2010

It's Winter

It's been a little while since my last post. We've been so busy with life, work, kids and all the rest.
We are finally all done with all the decorating for the Holidays. The weather has been really, really cold.  The girls are doing great.
Bella is now 20 months and is talking so much!! She can count until 10, recognizes most animals, loves to sing and dance. She is our little clown always making us laugh. And we are working on potty training.  Check out her new hair-do :0

 Maya has been great! She has won the 1st star of the week award at school.

She Loves to learn and loves her art. She also had her Christmas School Recital. The kids were all so adorable singing and dancing.

We all getting ready for Christmas and the girls are very excited awaiting Santa.
Santa I want Princess stuff!
I love this season of the year and we are very excited for Christmas and having all the family here with us.
Love you all E

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Thanksgiving Party

I'm starting to get ready for next week annual Thanksgiving party with friends.  We had such a good time last year that I decided to make it an annual event. Here is the front of the invitation sent out.

I'm very excited because my parents are coming too. They should be here on Thursday until next Monday.  It will be fun!!
We had a great weekend and the girls were wonderful!!
We started this little new Christmas tradition "The Elf on the Shelf". Carrie, my brother's girlfriend told me about it and got the girls the little elf and it's story.
You get a little elf, we named ours Jeff, and he sits on the mantle to watch over the girls to see if they have been naughty or nice. AT night he flies back to North Pole to report the day's events to Santa. In the morning the girls have to look for the elf because he's never at the same place where you left him. It is adorable and I love it. What a great gift. Thank you Carrie!!
Here is the website:

Elf on the Shelf Book & Plush Set

Saturday, November 13, 2010

X-mas lights

Win started to put up the X-mas lights outside. It is going to be such a beautiful day in the 70's F. What a wonderful weather we've had all week.  The girls just want to be out. Here is a pictures of the girls helping Daddy :)

Yesterday we went to the Kenwood Mall to try to do a little X-mas shopping, we had fun but it is hard to see stuff with the girls. They just want to run around. After a couple of hours we were done. I did find a few things.  My X-mas shopping is almost done and I got to start on the wrapping!!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

My 1st BLOG

Ok I've decided to start my blog and tried to post fun every day events from our family. I'm trying to figure out to work this out.  Be be patient and I'll eventually will figure it out!!

I Love You So Much

 Hello TGF Friends!  I'm on The Greeting Farm blog today sharing a new Valentine's card.  I used the adorable set, Be Mine .  It i...