Monday, February 18, 2013

Project Life Week 4

Added a 5*7 insert to add a few extra pictures of the birthday party. 

Project Life - Week 3

Another week.

Added an insert for my daughter's Star of the Week. Included teachers note.

I also added  Win's birthday cards

Another insert 8 1/2 *11 for birthday e-mails and drawings the girls made

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Project Life Week 2

Week 2 
I'm really enjoying putting this project together.  Another fun and busy week. 

I love these Martha Stewart labels I Used them everywhere. 

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Valentines Cards

Here are some of the Valentines Cards I made this year. 
All colored with Copic Markers.

My favorite is this cute 50 Shades Card. Perfect for a husband or boyfriend. 
Stamp from Saturated Canary.

Digi Image from Paper Shelter

Stamp from Penny Black

 This one was made for a teenager girl. I used a Simply Betty Digi Stamp

I have some more cards in my Etsy Store. Check them out. 

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Project Life Week 1

Here is my layout for week 1.  

I did the journaling on the computer. I'm not crazy about my handwriting so I decide to follow this real easy tutorial from  paislee press.

I loved the concept of a Right Now journaling. Inspired by Ali Edwards.

Made a copy of the Evite.

I added an insert of Maya's and Bella's favorites and the New Years Interview. 
Also got the inspiration from Ali Edwards. I did it last year and love to look back and read my girl's responses. Form can be downloaded here.

COFFEE COUPLE: The Greeting Farm January's Preview Day 3

 Hello TGF Friends!  Welcome back to The Greeting Farm final day of January’s previews!  Today we introduce another adorable couple set!  CO...